"HTML Application" (.HTA), Microsoft Windows program whose source code consists of HTML, Dynamic HTML, and one or more scripting languages supported by Internet Explorer, such as VBScript or JScript:
"HTML Application" (.HTA), Microsoft Windows program whose source code consists of HTML, Dynamic HTML, and one or more scripting languages supported by Internet Explorer, such as VBScript or JScript:
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/ms536471(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN
* https://www.robvanderwoude.com/vbstech_hta.php
* HTML Application (HTA) — A GUI for your scripts on Windows: https://medium.com/@anht_59851/html-application-hta-a-gui-for-your-scripting-on-windows-bfaacf2c3bdd