iGNUranza's minecraft server lobby spacc
Here's another one for Minecraft. While it was mainly myself doing this lobby destruction, Ashfly was with me, along with some players passing by, who couldn't do anything but notice the greatness of my spaccing power.
So, as you can clearly see from the
screenshots, this time i opted for a less linear approach, mainly
because there was an unexpected barrier blocks cube surrounding the
lobby (asking the owner, turns out that protection was not to protect
the spawn from griefers, but to protect new players from people staying
above the spawn, killing people with arrows; unusual, i know). That
barrier really threw me off at the beginning, as my plan was to do some
stairs above the lobby and really next to it, as the protected zone is
only the nice lobby itself, the blocks just next to its border are
already edible land, and to do a quick and efficient spacc which would
spawntrap all new players or all players dying without a bed. I am the
CEO of this company, the gods donated my power to me, and so I had to
quickly rethink my plan. I started by doing a classic stair all around
the barrier (starting at an already high place, considering i made use
of an high mountain really close to the spawn to get myself at a good
first elevation). I then proceeded to let some layers of lava and water
flow down, creating that great cobblestone monster style we all know and
love. It didn't do much, considering the barrier was in the way.
An interesting thing happened though: water and lava, when combined to do this kind of castings, usually create some side casts which have really unique and interesting shapes (really, that's the beauty of this block game); usually you can't see those rock casts very well, because they always generate inside the cobblestone walls created by this kind of stairs, but the barrier blocks cube made those clearly visible.. and they're uncommon nonetheless. Anyways, from there I tried new styles.. I even tried to create another pair of stairs from below, helping myself with water, but I then left it by itself because I was to clumsy doing this kind of reverse scaffolding. What I did do after this, is I returned below, to see the conditions of the lobby myself. I have to say, the work was anything but perfect this time: while my lavacasts were deemed impressive by some players passing by, the lobby was easily escapable. I also tried to make another pair of stairs at the sides, where my first pair didn't arrive (then I died multiple times due to fucking skeletons, and slowly lost my water and lava buckets, along with all the blocks I needed to scaffold). It did something, but really not much. The lobby was somewhat escapable, but you had to break cobblestone by hand or find a good path to go, until some players created holes in my epic creation. While I didn't do much, I still had fun, and this spacc taught me good planning it's not an option: it's mandatory in order to do good work.
Probably in the future I will go back to this lobby, and complete the work that this time was done not excellently. Side note: I really like the spawn area though! It's all destroyed randomly while not going down to bedrock, like 2b2t in the very old days. Probably someone spawned just a few withers.. who knows!
Edit: thanks to this other world downloader I found, I managed to take a snapshot of the lobby. I uploaded it here (archive.org), along with all the screenshots i had taken yesterday while doing the spacc.