Spacc. This time a special one. Idk if the sir who smashed this wants to be quoted, so I won't quote him. Now, afaik this phone had the spacced glass in the first place after some falls. A friend of the owner asked him how he managed to smash the screen like that, so he proceeded to drop it on the ground carelessly, and... Ops, OLED display spacc. Oh so sad, I've lost count on how many OLED I've seen smashed. So freakin' sadd.
Btw, the sir doesn't care cuz he then took it to the "Apple Hospital", as he calls it, (Apple repair center), because he still had the insurance, and you can see it in the above photo. While waiting for the iPhone to be repaired, he now has to use his old memewei. Spacc. Sad spacc.