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mi max 3 spacc from sixckandrea

Xiaomeme spacc omg lol. Remember the sir that sent me all those spacced phones? He's back, and this time with his ded mi max 3. For some time while charging this meme used to warm up a lot and the touch panel to register false inputs. He says "I connect it and it warms up. After two minutes, poof".
After this he still wants a xiaomeme. Stupid ass. Poor boi.
Ah also, he tried to contact Amazon's Customer Service to have the phone replaced, but the Roman guy he got in contact with said the spacc is caused by an improper usage and so he can't have the meme replaced. He now hopes the Colosseum does spacc and falls down under its own weight. Spacc 🦜.

grandpa's 3310 spacc

Here's my grandpa's old nokia 3310. I'm not totally sure but I think I may have broke it as a kid trowing it on the ground. Why do I think that, you ask? Because I have a very clear memory of trowing it on the ground in my grandpa's house when I was 4 and seeing the broken screen and being proud. Nice spacc tho.

stolen christmas spacc from Blueassnigga (?)

Yeah, two spaccs in less than 24 hours today. Also, today is Komi-san birthday, aka Christmas, and some people decided to celebrate it doing very illegal spaccs.
As he said on his post, "in conclusion I broke down the front glass and the windows, then I ran away when some niggas caught me and wanted to call 113 (Italian Police number)".
I have nothing more to say, enjoy these two spaccs in a single day and merry padoru.
Ah, as I'm not too much of a freebooter, here's the link to the original post:

school's dusty depot spacc

Ah shit, here we go again. Fortnite wasn't enough. On the last day of school before the winter break, I stumbled across this walking in the corridors. I can't say with absolute certainty the day this "placeholder window" was spacced but surely it is recent. I could have taken this photo going close to the spacc, I know, but I'm lazy and honestly the only thing a normal student wants on the last day of school is to go home, maybe F O R E V E R.
Oh, if you're wondering why that title, well, as far as I know that is an old unused classroom that like some others was used as some kind of depot-thingy. There's probably a lot of spacced things inside, and it surely is super dusty.

GesuInTerra's (aka italiano) 3310 spacc (smashing a vintage nokia 3310) (video)

The story of this spacc is a very simple one. One day the sir italiano (who kindly handed me these videos to post them on Spacc Inc.) wanted to test the resistance of the good ol' Nokia 3310, and so he did spacc. Watch and enjoy the spacc.

Video mirrors:

Clempad full LCD spacc (smashing a tablet's LCD panel) (video)

Two days ago I posted the story of my shitty tablet with broken LCD. I waited till today to give you the full spacc of the LCD panel. Watch and enjoy, and read the first post of this spacced tablet:

Video mirror:

Clempad android tablet spacc

There's a really long story behind this spacc. I had this Android tablet since I was 8 or maybe 9. It used to succ badly, and it still does today, every fucking app freezes this thing. I had to send it two times to be repaired, because it self-bricked or the battery died. After the warranty expired, I just gave up on it after it bricked. I then tried for a year to fix it, by flashing its firmware, but one time the shitty flashing program didn't start, or the drivers didn't install on my machine, or even the firmware download from the producer's shitty site crashed. I then lost it around my house, and when I found it I tried to do the flashing procedure and it worked. It was now alive and working but it just did L A G G. Even to this day, every app freezes the tablet, every internet browser it's unusable and don't even talk about games.

Anyways, when I fixed it, the screen started to have problems, and it slowly disappeared covered in lines (classic flex cable damage), and to view it you had to press hardly the border. And I was even surprised, this is usual business in cheap tablets! Eventually, the front plastic and LCD cracked, resulting in a black area at the center, surrounded by minor cracks and other damage (see the nice photos at the top?). Being the touch panel integrated in the front plastic, it also continuously gave random inputs. The tablet was completely unusable as a tablet at this moment, so I opened it, cut the touch panel flex cable and tried to hook it up to an HDMI TV. It worked fine.

Yesterday I decided to open it and make it more compact, so I unscrewed the board from the case, unplugged the broken LCD and almost dead battery and also the speaker and backlight module. It doesn't need these anymore since it's going to be used connected to a TV (if I ever decide to use this shit...). Battery and LCD are unusable, but the speaker can be used in some of my projects, so with the backlight module (although it needs a very high voltage, my single 9v battery doesn't even turn it on).

To make this thing simply beautiful, I am going to make a cardboard case for it maybe.
Well, did you like this spacc? If you think it's incomplete you are perfectly right. I can't spacc the lithium battery for several reasons, but the LCD HAS TO be spacced. And that is what I did, and I filmed it with my high quality camera. You will see the LCD spacc in 1080p 60 FPS in two days from this post. For now, just share the word of Spacc Inc. and enjoy the photos.

ashfly's classroom spacc

Ahh, Italian schools... They're simply beautiful. Even this time, some nice content from Ashfly. I think the second one is a damage caused by the age of the building, but the first one, oh boi, that of course isn't. You see, his class is full of retards, and one day one of them decided that door was too clean and intact, so.... He took a big shettushettu and did spacc on the door. He may be a big retard, but we have to thank him for this goodness.

shower spacc

The title speaks for itself. Here you can see my spacced shower.

lots of smartphones spacc from sixckandrea (samsung/xiaomi)

I have been forced to do this or someone would have stolen my role as CEO of Spacc Inc. I couldn't let something like that happen, so, here it is: a lot of spacced phones from a sir who likes to spacc its phones it seems. No backstory whatsoever this time, just see and enjoy the spacc.